Hearing Science of Stonestown


Audiology & Hearing Aid Dispensing

Jenifer Daganzo, Au.D.

  1. Audiological Exam & Evaluations

  2. Hearing Aid Sales, Dispensing, Repair & Maintenance

  3. Custom Ear Protection: musician, swimming & noise

  4. Home Visits Available

  5. Health Insurance Accepted

  6. Monday - Friday, 9 - 5

Speak with a

hearing expert



    fax: 415.759.8873


595 Buckingham Way, 437 San Francisco, CA 94132



Please free to call or email us with any questions you have regarding audiology, hearing aids, insurance coverage or payment plans.


During the past decade, hearing aid technology has seen dramatic changes, and the choices for consumers have grown increasingly complex. Our audiologist will be your advocate, sorting through this array of options to provide you with the most satisfying hearing benefit possible at the lowest cost.

Treating hearing loss is not just selection of a hearing aid. It requires a comprehensive approach of assessing hearing loss, ear anatomy, and a patient’s lifestyle and needs to properly address the impairment. We are committed to providing you with the necessary counseling, aural rehabilitation, and hearing education for a successful fitting.

More than 20 years of serving our community

since 1998

A Sound Approach to Hearing Care